Self-study materials for learners of Polish

People who enrol to a course in a language school, non-governmental organization or at a university will obtain study materials the cost of which is included in the price of the course. Foreigners who decide to study on their own can buy popular textbooks for learning Polish as a second language, such as: “Start”, “Polski krok po kroku”, “Polski Jest Cool” or “Hurra po polsku”.

Another solution is to use materials which are available free of charge online. Unfortunately, such sources are scarce still, but beginners can find some useful reference materials.

Below you will find a list of webpage with study materials:

Let’s remember, however, that in order to achieve better results it is advisable to talk to a professional about the exercise and reference materials you want to use.


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Project “New law - my new rights” is co-financed by European Fund for Integration
of Third Country Nationals and Polands state budget

 Copyright © by Foundation for Development Beyond Borders, 2015